Wednesday, November 26, 2008

my firstt blog?

hahaaa. well my title made me sound like a 3 year old!
well, its thanksgiving break!
thank the lord. :]]]

i saw twilightt the other dayy... *laughs*
i really do love the series.
but the moviee?
uhhm. well it was funnier than it was supposed to be!
the acting was just sooo overdone at points.
such as... the scene where bella enters the science room?
bahaha! edward looked like he was gonna throw up!

they good did using quotes from the book.
but it was always at the wrong spot!
plus, if i hadnt read the book,
that movie wouldve made absolutely NO SENSE!
it was so choppy, and happened so fast.
one day he almost dies sitting next to her (so it seems)
then 10 minutes later theyre flying in trees!

OH. and what was with spider monkey!
lol i mean seriouslyy!
although, edward was pretty...good looking... in the movie:]]]
the ending was a tad strange.
victoria at prom? really?
and bella wearing converse and leggings? uh..okayy.

also, just yesterday actually!
i finished UGLIES.

it was an exceptionally good book!
it had me sitting there reading for a hours on end.
i would actually try to sneak reading into english class
(since its so boring and everything).
the beginning was s-l-o-w, and i thought the names,
"Uglyville" and "New Pretty Town" were pretty cheesy.
but i kept reading, and im more than glad i did!
it has a real cliffhanger ending!
and i cant wait until monday to get the next book, Pretties.

well anyways.
im gonna go.
so yeahh.. how are you supposed to end these things?
happy early thanksgiving!


Emily said...

Hhahaa, very nicely done for your first post (:

Taylor House said...

thanks for your comment on my site. =) I like'd your first post. I'd sort of shied away from Uglies since the first chapter seemed so superficial, but after reading one of the author's other books, I might give Uglies another chance. And yes, I did see Twilight. I suppose that some parts were overdone but I loved it anyway and I thought the ending was a major cliffhanger. I can't wait till spring, so I can get it on DVD!

If you ever call for comments, call me the Comment Fairy.


nadine said...

Uglies was really good. I'm glad you liked it. You're going to enjoy the rest of the series.
